Outdoor area photos

Sports day-the importance of sports

Games and sports are an opportunity for children to mingle with other kids and get some exercise. Children should not be deprived of outdoor play but should instead be encouraged to participate. Games and sports provide a more fulfilled childhood especially for those whose passion lies in sports. A child should be encouraged to pursue a game or sport that he or she loves in order to develop their self-confidence.

Building Relationships

Games and sports can help a child establish friendships. Being in a team and being friends with their teammates makes them feel accepted, which can eliminate their insecurities. The child is able to appreciate the value of friendship and he eventually learns to develop relationships elsewhere. Having friends teaches a child to share, communicate and cooperate whenever they need to. They also learn to understand how people are different from one another and adapt to these differences. Children who participate in games and sports are also able to effectively communicate with other people.      

Leadership Skills

The leadership skills of a child are better harnessed if he or she is given the chance to participate in groups or teams. Participating in games and sports teaches children to follow rules from a leader. Because children learn by example, they learn how to lead their own teams and apply their skills inside the classroom and in other occasions where leadership is needed.


Team sports expose a child to many people and allow them to experience many things. Exposure to people increases a child’s self-confidence. They are able to use this newfound confidence in school and in dealing with other people.

Climbing, running, jumping and navigating play equipment are all ways in which play can enhance the development of large muscles. Children improve balance, agility and coordination through these types of play. The best thing about play that develops large muscle skills is that it requires little or no equipment

Outdoor area play is great for;
  • Stretching increases and maintains flexibility.
  • Pulling up with hands and arms while climbing a ladder or a climbing wall builds upper body, grip, and arm strength.
  • Climbing steps and ladders develops leg strength and coordination.

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