Friday 10 May 2013

Mother's day

I would like to wish all the mothers a wonderful and blessed day on Mother's day!!

Kemm inħobb lill-mummy tiegħi

Kemm inħobb jiena lill-mummy tiegħi
Għax dina tħobbni bil-wisq mhux ftit
Lill-Bambin nitlob biex jieħu ħsiebha
U jħarisha minn kull tiġrib

Għażiża ommi ħallini ngħidlek
Li jien mingħajrek ma' jiena xejn
U bewsa kbira jien ser nitfagħlek
Biex imħabbti jien nuri lejk
Biex imħabbti jien nuri lejk

           Mothers day graphics             Mothers day graphics

Help mummy bird build a nest for her chicks.


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